Ever wondered what happened in 2022? There’s already been a very comprehensive wrap up of the year by Gordon, posted only a few weeks ago so I won’t recap the recap! Instead, knowing how much people love numbers and statistics (secretly we all do), I thought a look at the year by numbers might pique some interest!
So, may I present, as best I can guess it, 2022…!
Always a good place to start. We are a car club, right? And we identify our cars by numbers – Mk1, Mk2. Mk3, 948, 1098, 1275, 1310, 1380 and so on and so forth! Here are some numbers you might be interested in!
82 – Historic Log Books on the books for the club in 2022 including:
37 – Sprites
14 – Midgets (come on Midget owners! We can do better!!)
Total Spridgets in the club for 2022? Somewhere between ‘not sure’ and ‘I don’t quite know’! I do know its more than 51 cars listed above! There are cars on normal registration, some are laid up being rebuilt, some are tucked away almost forgotten in the back of sheds and others are for racing.
More fascinating car numbers….
31 – the number of associate cars, including…
3 Minis plus a Moke
1 Mini Gem

4 Clubbies (and 4 different brands!)
1 MG Magnette
7 MG T series (yes, seven, so I’m told!)
3 Jags
1 Triumph
I’m sure the keen eyed amongst you will have added up the numbers and noticed numbers don’t quite balance! Clearly there needs to be a bit of an audit!
33 – Sprites and Midgets at the annual Display Day
Oh, and 24 – the number of cars sold by the club’s own Arthur Daily, otherwise known as the entrepreneurial Chris M this year (and 20 is the number of cars he still has – would you buy a used car from this man?)
Like any club, we live and die on money in and money out and there is no bigger source of our yearly revenues than our memberships. We had a pretty good year and nearly cracked 100 memberships for the year. A fantastic result! So consider the following numbers…..
50 – for $50. That’s…
$50 annual membership, and
$50 for the once off joining fee.
We have to have one of the best value membership schemes in the State don’t we?
96 – memberships. Lets crack the 100 for 2023!
13 – life members
151 – members and their partners. Did I mention the amazing value for SCSA membership?
Looking forward into 2023:
53 – members currently financial for 2023 (get your subs in – remember, if you are on historic registration and you are not financial, you are unregistered in the eyes of PC Plod!!)
Oh, and if you have a new log book for 2023, don’t do what I almost did, and record your first run in the old book!

As we all came to grips with COVId and the nation started up again, we also did our upmost to get back into the swing of social events. 2023 will hopefully build on what we did this last year and hopefully we will see more people out and about enjoying their cars, but I think we did pretty well all things considered when you consider the following:
25 – attendees at the 2022 Australia Day BBQ and Thong Throwing contest. That’s 25 on the 26th (don’t you love number sequences, I do!). Lets aim for at least 27 at this years event – more on that soon!
30+ – at the Pie and Peas night. Sadly I can’t report on the number of pies or peas consumed on the night but from my own experiences at Pie Carts around Australia I can only guess it was quite a few!
40 – members who attended Stars and their Cars
45 – members at the Spritely Adventure wine and cheese night
50 – The years the Sprite Club celebrated

(50 is also about the number of times Jez or Chris M slept in and missed a run!)
75 – at the 50th Anniversary dinner at the pub
80+ – cars attending the Sports Car Cruises
750-1000 – kilometres Russell and Judy (and co.) have meandered to and from the secret locations!

0.2% – the overall winning margin in the Ray Pank Hill Climb series between 1st and Peter Stanley (in 3rd place – could it get any closer??!)
2 – the number of teams competing at the Peter Hall 6 Hour regularity event (can we field 3 in 2023?)
3 – members regularly contesting the Hill Climb events
10 – SCSA members active in the Super Sprint series (in 6 different makes of car!)
599 – laps completed of Mallala and The Bend by the afore mentioned 10 members racing!
So, there you go. The year in review by the numbers. I’m sure I’ve missed many vital statistics and gotten some horribly wrong, so feel free set me straight throughout the year!
Hope you all had a Happy and Safe Year and I look forward to catching up with you all throughout the year!
(Oh – and 1 – the number of hang overs I’m sure several have probably had for 2023 already (not me!!)!)